Your niece was "told she had to protect Gods name from reproach" !!
That was one of the things, that they used to say to me... It really bothered me, when I was a J.W., that the elders kept telling me that .. I had to protect Jehovah God and HIS organization. AND KEEP MY MOUTH QUIET!! and do exactly what they say.
It was the beginning of me falling away.Because I thought.. "I don't get it... I have to protect Jehovah and he is the most almighty GOD... wHY CAN'T He can protect himself..
You suffered a form of emotional abuse in that congregation you were in. You were made to feel ashamed around all your J.W. friends and peers in a public setting .. the Kingdom Hall.
I get so upset at this kind of thing.. when they feel they have the right to hurt and undermine someone like this.
I'm GLAD you got away from them